My Dog Skip movie theme

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


You may remember that I proposed "more" on the subject of "Waiting...." on Monday, but God had other plans yesterday--and they were very GOOD plans (He never stops holding our future)!  The time of waiting on Colt was about to be fulfilled.  Early on I received a phone call from our son--he and Nikki were on the way to the hospital again. Eventually it was determined that she was in true labor, so she was placed in line for a c-section (previously planned due to labor history and size of this baby boy).

About 4:15pm Colt Lawrence was born, all 10lbs. 11 oz. and 21 1/2 inches of him!! 

Our son, the adoring father of this big baby boy, came out of the nursery to show off his new son to the first son, and anxious grandparents.

It never gets old, welcoming a miracle bundle of God's creation new in our arms. We waited for this moment...and he was so worth the wait...blessing beyond words...

This Nana is many thoughts to put into words so finite...blessing so full...perfect gift...unknown offering back to the Creator...

I'm holding not quite 3 year old grandson  with eyes so questioning...trying to comprehend what this doll that sleeps and moves and opens his eyes to his Mamaw's voice is all in the arms of HIS Daddy...

But thoughts change quickly when you're still just he grabs Nana's hand, "Let's go watch movie..." that has kept him occupied today in the kid's waiting room.

And later...what did almost 3 boy-brother offer to baby in arms of his Mamaw?...precious gentle strokes to forehead...sweet butterfly kisses...and a question to Daddy, "Are we going to take him home?"...and eyes that said..."I want to take him home!"

And mommy of 2 now taking it all in, smiles so full, joy overflowing, thoughts far above physical "labor" of love...

And the thanks to God is overflowing...each of us gathered knows Him to be the author of our days, the Lord Almighty, the One who holds the future....the Alpha and Omega....the beginning and the end.  To Him be the Glory!!


Monday, May 16, 2011


You may remember that as I finished my last post, I got a call from my daughter-in-love to alert me to the fact they were off to the hospital, over an hour away from where they live--her contractions 5 min. apart.  But the end result was that baby Colt is still in his momma's womb, warm and cozy, apparently not as anxious to see us as we are to see him!  So we are waiting, somewhat anxious, but knowing that God loves this "little guy" (actually 9-10 lbs of him already) infinitely more than we do...

So I am mulling over thoughts on "Waiting".  Don't we spend a lot of our "earth time" waiting?  As a child I remember waiting for my legs to get long enough to ride a bike...waiting for the school year to end...waiting for my ice cream Sundae that Daddy promised to me if I did something(?), and I thought he meant that he would buy me an ice cream cone next Sunday...then as I got older...waiting to be sweet16 so I could drive...waiting to fall in love and get married...waiting to conceive while we went through infertility testing...waiting for toddlers to be potty-trained...waiting for husband to come in for dinner, as it lay spread out on the table getting cold...waiting for teenagers to come home from town late at night...waiting for wedding dates...waiting for job offers...waiting for financial breakthroughs...waiting for grandchildren (or should I say waiting for our married children to decide to produce some!)...and waiting for grandson number 3 to make his appearance in our world...lots of time waiting...And I failed to mentioned waiting on God in prayer for all the list above...and waiting that babies in the womb would be healthy and fulfill all of God's purposes for them...waiting for family relationships to be healed and restored...waiting for healing...waiting for God-given dreams to be brought to fruition...waiting and waiting and waiting...

So, this is somewhat of a tease for tomorrow...when I will continue this subject.  But while we "wait" on more, here is some food for thought from some of my favorite authors:

from Corrie Ten Boom in Not I But Christ:
"When God says..."No" or "Wait,"  it is because He knows what we do not know."  She wrote this as she waited for God to restore her speech after a stroke. If you don't know Miss Ten Boom's story, I highly recommend you seek out her books and read every one, starting with The Hiding Place.  She and her family worked in the underground in Holland keeping Jews trying to escape from the Nazis.  When exposed they were taken to prison, then concentration camps.  She knows about waiting...she alone of her family survived and later traveled around the world sharing Her Lord, her message of God's mercy, and how He was always with her, and allowed her to forgive her tormentors in the concentration camp.  From this letter, written in 1944 while in solitary confinement, she wrote..."Dear ones, I have asked the Lord to bring me out of this prison.  He answered: 'My grace is sufficient for you.'  I know that I will be here not one minute longer than God thinks necessary for me.  I can wait for His time.  I have adjusted myself to the lonesome life, but I am not really alone, for I have such a blessed fellowship with the Lord.  I talk much with my Savior.  I receive a deeper insight into time and eternity.  I am ready to live and ready to die..."" (italics mine)

from Ann Voscamp, One Thousand Gifts:
Chapter 4, "A Sanctuary of Time" describing her thoughts during dinner, talking to her six children about eating too fast..."'My Grandma Ruth would shake her head, disgusted at me.  Like this.' And I show them and I wag my finger too, just the way she did, and they grin chocolate... She'd say , 'My lands, child! That is no way to eat.  It took time to make this meal.  And you'd better take some time to taste it.  Slow down, like so.'  Then she'd chew slow and deliberate like. And tell me again, so I'd remember, 'Food is meant to be savored.'"......and later in this chapter..."When did I stop thinking life was dessert?......Life is dessert---too brief to hurry........'Wherever you are, be all there' is only possible in the posture of eucharisteo.  I want to slow down and taste life, give thanks, and see God." (italics hers)

...more tomorrow...